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Bathroom Window Supplier in San Jose, CA


Welcome to J&M Windows and Glass, where we bring innovative home remodeling service to life. Our team of dedicated home remodeling contractors is passionate about transforming your space through meticulously crafted windows and various other home remodeling ideas. We understand that your home is a reflection of your style, and we are committed to offering you the highest quality service.

Home Remodeling Introduction

Home remodeling is more than just a project; it’s a journey toward creating a space that embodies your taste, lifestyle, and aspirations. Your windows play a significant role in setting the tone and ambiance of your home. Not only do they provide natural light and ventilation, but they also contribute to the overall aesthetics and value of your property. In this article, we’ll explore six trending window styles that are making waves in the home remodeling industry.

Home Window Remodeling at J&M Windows and Glass

Home Remodeling Styles

Arch Top, Radius, or Gable Style Windows

Arch top, radius, or gable style windows have been a longstanding favorite of homeowners who value a blend of tradition and modernity. These windows feature a rounded top that creates a dramatic effect, making them an excellent addition to dining rooms, living rooms, or even luxurious bathrooms. They work well with a variety of home remodeling ideas, offering a unique blend of style and function that instantly elevates any space.

Colored Window Frames

The beauty of colored window frames lies in their versatility. Whether you’re aiming for a rustic farmhouse look or a sleek, modern vibe, colored frames can provide the pop of color your home needs. Opt for darker hues for a more classic refined look or go bold with brighter shades for a more avant-garde atmosphere.

Window Walls and Transoms

A window wall is basically a wall made up of glass panels, allowing natural light to flood your interiors. Transoms on the other hand, are smaller windows placed above doors or other windows, often used in conjunction with window walls. These designs are particularly beneficial for homes with panoramic views or those aiming for a minimalist, modern aesthetic.

Replace Windows with French Doors

A growing number of home remodelers are now advocating the replacement of traditional windows with French doors. This design choice provides easy access to gardens, patios, or balconies, and also allows more light and air into your home. Additionally, the elegant design of French doors adds a dash of sophistication that is hard to achieve with standard windows.


Sidelights are more than just aesthetically pleasing; they’re practical as well. By flanking your front door with sidelights, you enhance not only the entryway but also the facade of your entire home. These narrow, vertical windows add depth and character to your home’s entrance, making your property more inviting.

Bow and Bay Windows

Bow and bay windows are closely related but slightly different in design. While bay windows usually consist of three openings, generally of varying widths, bow windows consist of four or more casement windows joined together to form a curve. Both designs create additional space within our home, providing an opportunity for a cozy reading corner, a breakfast nook, or a display area for artwork or house plants.

Contact J&M Windows and Glass to Style Your Home

Are you eager to get started on your home remodeling project? Look no further than J&M Windows and Glass. Our comprehensive home remodeling services ensure that each project we undertake is a masterpiece in its own right. From the initial consultation, our team of dedicated home remodeling contractors will be with you every step of the way. Get in touch with us today to discuss your home remodeling ideas and take the first step toward a more beautiful and functional home.

For over 40 years, J&M Windows and Glass has been a trusted name in glass services in San Jose, CA. Serving homeowners, contractors, architects, and industry professionals, we specialize in a variety of glasswork including residential windows, skylights, mirrors, patio doors, and shower doors. We pride ourselves on offering expert consultations, high quality products, and flexible, personalized solutions to elevate the aesthetics and value of your home. Our commitment to quality and reasonable pricing makes us the go-to choice for all your glass needs.

For more information about the products and services we offer, contact us today via our website, or give us a call at 408-796-4424. We look forward to meeting you!