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San Jose’s Superior Window Retailer

The window supplier contractors trust the most.

Showroom Hours:
(CLOSED FOR LUNCH 11:30-12:30)


Window selection (brand/style), full house, additions, plan take-offs are considered larger projects.


No appointments needed for picking up Orders or small items/parts.

Replacement Windows in San Jose, CA

The window supplier contractors trust the most.

San Jose’s Superior Window Retailer

The window supplier contractors trust the most.

We Can Address All of Your Window and Glass Needs

Homeowners throughout San Jose, CA, and the surrounding area trust J&M Windows and Glass, Inc. for all their window and glass needs. We have been serving the community for more than four decades, and we are confident we can improve your home’s aesthetic and energy efficiency. Leaks around your windows and doorways account for up to 40% of your monthly energy loss, but we can remedy such issues with expert window and glass services to help save you money. J&M Windows and Glass, Inc. is proud to provide exceptional products from brand-name manufacturers and unrivaled services from team members who will put you first. We have built our stellar reputation by delivering outstanding results with every project we complete. Allow us to help you choose the best windows and glass for your Northern California home. Call us today to get started.

Our Comprehensive Window and Glass Services

We Use Materials from Manufacturers You Can Trust

In addition to being respected window and glass professionals who offer exceptional services and quick turnaround times, we are a premier window and glass supplier in the South Bay and beyond. We recognize the role high-quality glass plays in keeping our customers’ homes energy efficient. That is why we only use materials from industry-leading manufacturers such as:

Our window and glass professionals inspect all glass, door and shower materials received. This means that you don’t have to worry about getting sub-standard products. Let us help you make your home more energy efficient by using our window and glass services. Call us today at 408-371-7255

J&M Windows and Glass provides unmatched customer service for patio doors in San Jose, CA

Why You Should Choose Our Window Professionals

The professionals at J&M Windows and Glass, Inc. are committed to providing unmatched customer service and results with every project. Our team knows that your patio doors, windows, and skylights are sources of pride. When you have guests to your home, you want each of these features to look its best. Furthermore, you want them to perform optimally. New windows can add elegance to your home and help you save money on your monthly energy bill. As much as 40% of your home’s energy disappears through doorways and windows. But when you rely on our glass and window experts in San Jose, CA, you can rest assured that our products and craftsmanship will keep your climate-controlled air inside. Whether you are building a new home or updating your current one, we are confident we can help.

Premium Customer Service

San Jose has trusted us for the past 40 years to get them the premium customer service and quality craftsmanship they deserve when they want to upgrade their windows and glass throughout their home. We pride ourselves on finishing the project in a very timely manner, as well as, utilizing quality materials. We are considered a top choice for working with both builders and building owners.

See What Our Happy Customers Are Saying

Contact J&M Windows and Glass, Inc. Today

If you are tired of your plain-looking glass windows and doors or simply want to create a new aesthetic, turn to the window and glass professionals at J&M Windows and Glass, Inc. We provide exceptional window and glass services for homeowners throughout San Jose, CA, and the surrounding area. We are licensed and bonded for your peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Contact Us


Address 745 E. McGlincy Lane Campbell, CA 95008 Phone 408-371-7255 Hours of Operation Monday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM Tuesday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM Wednesday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM Thursday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM Licensed and Bonded Contractor License # 779893

National Association of The Remodeling Industry
Houzz 2017 Service Logo
Houzz 2017 Service Logo